Sunday, October 30, 2011

Character Counts Assembly - Respect

We had our Character Count assembly on Friday to give out the award for the student who demonstrates RESPECT in our classroom and school.  We also had three other students earn awards for math, reading, and writing.  Good job, First graders!  Our next character count pillar will be CARING for November and December. 

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Starting this Monday we will begin Spelling and will have our pre-test on Monday with our final test on Friday.  The students will have their spellings words sent home with them on Monday and they will have all week to study their words.  Make sure to study their spelling words with them each night.   

Monday, October 17, 2011

Inside Recess FUN!

The first graders were very creative builders last week during inside recess.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Go Cadets!

The students enjoyed going to the Pep Rally on Friday to cheer on the Cadets! 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Character Counts Assembly - Responsibility

On Friday, we had our first Character Counts Assembly.  Our pillar for the month of September was Responsibility.  I also gave out awards for most improved in reading, writing, and math.